Click images to see my first, last, and best photos of each species. The birds are arranged here in order of when I first photographed them.
These are my "keeper" and first images of these species photographed in 2021.
All these and other bird photos are published to my gallery pages. See the latest gallery page.
These photos are © 2021 Phil Thompson, all rights reserved.
1 Townsend's Warbler
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Townsend's Warbler, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Townsend's Warbler
First: January 5, 2021
Townsend's Warbler
Last/Best: December 22, 2021
★★★★☆ (favorite)
2 Dark-eyed Junco
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Dark-eyed Junco, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Dark-eyed Junco
First: January 5, 2021
Dark-eyed Junco
Last: December 27, 2021
Dark-eyed Junco
Best: December 23, 2021
★★★★★ (favorite)
Dark-eyed Junco (Oregon)
First: January 5, 2021
Dark-eyed Junco (Oregon)
Last: December 27, 2021
Dark-eyed Junco (Oregon)
Best: December 23, 2021
★★★★★ (favorite)
Dark-eyed Junco (Oregon) (female)
First/Last/Best: December 23, 2021
★★★★★ (favorite)
Dark-eyed Junco (Oregon) (male)
First: January 5, 2021
Dark-eyed Junco (Oregon) (male)
Last: November 17, 2021
Dark-eyed Junco (Oregon) (male)
Best: November 6, 2021
★★★★★ (favorite)
Dark-eyed Junco (Slate-colored)
First: October 17, 2021
Dark-eyed Junco (Slate-colored)
Last/Best: October 17, 2021
Dark-eyed Junco (female)
First: February 20, 2021
Dark-eyed Junco (female)
Last/Best: December 23, 2021
★★★★★ (favorite)
Dark-eyed Junco (male)
First: January 5, 2021
Dark-eyed Junco (male)
Last: November 17, 2021
Dark-eyed Junco (male)
Best: November 6, 2021
★★★★★ (favorite)
3 Ruby-crowned Kinglet
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Ruby-crowned Kinglet, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Ruby-crowned Kinglet
First: January 5, 2021
Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Last: December 18, 2021
Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Best: November 16, 2021
Ruby-crowned Kinglet (male)
First/Last/Best: January 27, 2021
4 Brown Creeper
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Brown Creeper, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Brown Creeper
First: January 6, 2021
Brown Creeper
Last/Best: September 17, 2021
5 White-breasted Nuthatch
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of White-breasted Nuthatch, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
White-breasted Nuthatch
First: January 7, 2021
White-breasted Nuthatch
Last/Best: October 28, 2021
★★★★★ (favorite)
White-breasted Nuthatch (male)
First: August 31, 2021
White-breasted Nuthatch (male)
Last/Best: October 28, 2021
6 Varied Thrush
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Varied Thrush, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Varied Thrush
First: January 7, 2021
Varied Thrush
Last: February 3, 2021
Varied Thrush
Best: January 9, 2021
★★★★☆ (favorite)
Varied Thrush (female)
First: February 3, 2021
Varied Thrush (female)
Last/Best: February 3, 2021
Varied Thrush (male)
First: January 9, 2021
★★★★☆ (favorite)
Varied Thrush (male)
Last/Best: January 9, 2021
★★★★☆ (favorite)
7 Steller's Jay
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Steller's Jay, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Steller's Jay
First: January 9, 2021
Steller's Jay
Last: December 27, 2021
Steller's Jay
Best: April 27, 2021
★★★★★ (favorite)
8 Northern Flicker
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Northern Flicker, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Northern Flicker
First: January 9, 2021
Northern Flicker
Last: August 18, 2021
Northern Flicker
Best: March 31, 2021
Northern Flicker (Red-shafted)
First: January 25, 2021
Northern Flicker (Red-shafted)
Last: August 18, 2021
Northern Flicker (Red-shafted)
Best: March 31, 2021
Northern Flicker (Red-shafted) (female)
First: March 29, 2021
Northern Flicker (Red-shafted) (female)
Last/Best: March 29, 2021
Northern Flicker (Red-shafted) (male)
First: January 25, 2021
Northern Flicker (Red-shafted) (male)
Last: August 18, 2021
Northern Flicker (Red-shafted) (male)
Best: March 31, 2021
Northern Flicker (Yellow-shafted)
First: January 9, 2021
Northern Flicker (Yellow-shafted)
Last/Best: January 9, 2021
Northern Flicker (Yellow-shafted) (male)
First: January 9, 2021
Northern Flicker (Yellow-shafted) (male)
Last/Best: January 9, 2021
Northern Flicker (female)
First: March 29, 2021
Northern Flicker (female)
Last/Best: March 29, 2021
Northern Flicker (male)
First: January 9, 2021
Northern Flicker (male)
Last: August 18, 2021
Northern Flicker (male)
Best: March 31, 2021
9 Black-capped Chickadee
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Black-capped Chickadee, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Black-capped Chickadee
First: January 9, 2021
Black-capped Chickadee
Last: October 17, 2021
Black-capped Chickadee
Best: May 2, 2021
★★★★★ (favorite)
10 Bushtit
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Bushtit, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
First: January 9, 2021
Last/Best: August 24, 2021
11 Pileated Woodpecker
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Pileated Woodpecker, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Pileated Woodpecker
First: January 10, 2021
Pileated Woodpecker
Last: December 27, 2021
★★★★☆ (favorite)
Pileated Woodpecker
Best: September 15, 2021
★★★★★ (favorite)
Pileated Woodpecker (female)
First: January 10, 2021
Pileated Woodpecker (female)
Last: February 7, 2021
Pileated Woodpecker (female)
Best: January 10, 2021
★★★☆☆ (favorite)
Pileated Woodpecker (male)
First: March 7, 2021
Pileated Woodpecker (male)
Last: December 27, 2021
★★★★☆ (favorite)
Pileated Woodpecker (male)
Best: September 15, 2021
★★★★★ (favorite)
12 Great Blue Heron
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Great Blue Heron, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Great Blue Heron
First: January 11, 2021
Great Blue Heron
Last: September 26, 2021
Great Blue Heron
Best: August 20, 2021
★★★★☆ (favorite)
13 Gadwall
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Gadwall, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
First: January 11, 2021
Last: August 15, 2021
Best: August 8, 2021
Gadwall (female)
First: February 7, 2021
Gadwall (female)
Last: August 15, 2021
Gadwall (female)
Best: August 8, 2021
Gadwall (male)
First: January 11, 2021
Gadwall (male)
Last/Best: February 7, 2021
14 Mallard
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Mallard, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
First: January 11, 2021
Last: September 26, 2021
Best: September 26, 2021
★★★★★ (favorite)
Mallard (female)
First: January 11, 2021
Mallard (female)
Last: September 26, 2021
Mallard (female)
Best: September 26, 2021
★★★★★ (favorite)
Mallard (male)
First: January 11, 2021
Mallard (male)
Last/Best: September 26, 2021
★★★★★ (favorite)
15 Northern Shoveler
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Northern Shoveler, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Northern Shoveler
First: January 11, 2021
Northern Shoveler
Last/Best: April 23, 2021
Northern Shoveler (male)
First: January 11, 2021
Northern Shoveler (male)
Last/Best: April 23, 2021
16 Ring-necked Duck
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Ring-necked Duck, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Ring-necked Duck
First: January 11, 2021
Ring-necked Duck
Last/Best: February 14, 2021
Ring-necked Duck (female)
First/Last/Best: February 14, 2021
Ring-necked Duck (male)
First: January 11, 2021
Ring-necked Duck (male)
Last/Best: February 14, 2021
17 Northern Pintail
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Northern Pintail, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Northern Pintail
First: January 11, 2021
Northern Pintail
Last/Best: January 11, 2021
Northern Pintail (female)
First/Last/Best: January 11, 2021
Northern Pintail (male)
First: January 11, 2021
Northern Pintail (male)
Last/Best: January 11, 2021
18 Black Phoebe
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Black Phoebe, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Black Phoebe
First: January 11, 2021
Black Phoebe
Last: April 23, 2021
Black Phoebe
Best: February 14, 2021
19 California Scrub-Jay
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of California Scrub-Jay, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
California Scrub-Jay
First: January 11, 2021
California Scrub-Jay
Last/Best: August 15, 2021
★★★★★ (favorite)
20 Green-winged Teal
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Green-winged Teal, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Green-winged Teal
First: January 11, 2021
Green-winged Teal
Last: April 23, 2021
Green-winged Teal
Best: January 11, 2021
Green-winged Teal (female)
First: January 11, 2021
Green-winged Teal (female)
Last/Best: January 11, 2021
Green-winged Teal (male)
First: January 11, 2021
Green-winged Teal (male)
Last: April 23, 2021
Green-winged Teal (male)
Best: January 11, 2021
21 Great Egret
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Great Egret, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Great Egret
First: January 11, 2021
Great Egret
Last: September 26, 2021
Great Egret
Best: September 26, 2021
★★★★★ (favorite)
22 American Robin
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of American Robin, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
American Robin
First: January 13, 2021
American Robin
Last: June 2, 2021
American Robin
Best: March 27, 2021
★★★★☆ (favorite)
American Robin (female)
First/Last/Best: June 2, 2021
American Robin (male)
First/Last/Best: June 2, 2021
23 American Coot
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of American Coot, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
American Coot
First: January 13, 2021
American Coot
Last/Best: April 23, 2021
24 Pied-billed Grebe
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Pied-billed Grebe, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Pied-billed Grebe
First: January 13, 2021
Pied-billed Grebe
Last/Best: October 3, 2021
25 Double-crested Cormorant
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Double-crested Cormorant, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Double-crested Cormorant
First: January 13, 2021
Double-crested Cormorant
Last/Best: September 3, 2021
26 Greater Scaup
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Greater Scaup, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Greater Scaup
First: January 13, 2021
Greater Scaup
Last/Best: January 13, 2021
Greater Scaup (male)
First: January 13, 2021
Greater Scaup (male)
Last/Best: January 13, 2021
27 unknown
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of unknown, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
First: January 13, 2021
Last/Best: September 3, 2021
28 Downy Woodpecker
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Downy Woodpecker, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Downy Woodpecker
First: January 13, 2021
Downy Woodpecker
Last/Best: November 16, 2021
Downy Woodpecker (female)
First: January 13, 2021
Downy Woodpecker (female)
Last/Best: November 16, 2021
Downy Woodpecker (male)
First/Last/Best: February 23, 2021
29 Chestnut-backed Chickadee
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Chestnut-backed Chickadee, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Chestnut-backed Chickadee
First: January 14, 2021
Chestnut-backed Chickadee
Last: October 17, 2021
Chestnut-backed Chickadee
Best: February 19, 2021
★★★★☆ (favorite)
30 Lincoln's Sparrow
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Lincoln's Sparrow, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Lincoln's Sparrow
First/Last/Best: January 16, 2021
31 Northern Harrier
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Northern Harrier, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Northern Harrier
First: January 16, 2021
Northern Harrier
Last: May 21, 2021
Northern Harrier
Best: January 16, 2021
Northern Harrier (female)
First: January 16, 2021
Northern Harrier (female)
Last: May 21, 2021
Northern Harrier (female)
Best: January 16, 2021
32 Marsh Wren
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Marsh Wren, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Marsh Wren
First: January 16, 2021
Marsh Wren
Last/Best: May 29, 2021
★★★★★ (favorite)
33 Tundra Swan
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Tundra Swan, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Tundra Swan
First/Last/Best: January 16, 2021
34 Red-winged Blackbird
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Red-winged Blackbird, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Red-winged Blackbird
First: January 16, 2021
Red-winged Blackbird
Last: July 25, 2021
Red-winged Blackbird
Best: May 21, 2021
★★★★☆ (favorite)
Red-winged Blackbird (female)
First: May 10, 2021
★★★★☆ (favorite)
Red-winged Blackbird (female)
Last: July 25, 2021
Red-winged Blackbird (female)
Best: May 10, 2021
★★★★☆ (favorite)
Red-winged Blackbird (male)
First: January 16, 2021
Red-winged Blackbird (male)
Last: May 29, 2021
Red-winged Blackbird (male)
Best: May 21, 2021
★★★★☆ (favorite)
35 Song Sparrow
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Song Sparrow, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Song Sparrow
First: January 16, 2021
Song Sparrow
Last: November 9, 2021
Song Sparrow
Best: May 18, 2021
★★★★★ (favorite)
36 Eurasian Collared-Dove
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Eurasian Collared-Dove, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Eurasian Collared-Dove
First: January 22, 2021
Eurasian Collared-Dove
Last/Best: May 16, 2021
37 Red-breasted Nuthatch
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Red-breasted Nuthatch, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Red-breasted Nuthatch
First: February 2, 2021
Red-breasted Nuthatch
Last/Best: June 18, 2021
★★★★☆ (favorite)
Red-breasted Nuthatch (female)
First: February 21, 2021
Red-breasted Nuthatch (female)
Last/Best: May 27, 2021
★★★☆☆ (favorite)
38 Hermit Thrush
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Hermit Thrush, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Hermit Thrush
First: February 3, 2021
Hermit Thrush
Last: November 30, 2021
Hermit Thrush
Best: November 30, 2021
★★★★★ (favorite)
39 Golden-crowned Sparrow
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Golden-crowned Sparrow, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Golden-crowned Sparrow
First: February 7, 2021
Golden-crowned Sparrow
Last: December 10, 2021
Golden-crowned Sparrow
Best: October 12, 2021
★★★★★ (favorite)
40 White-crowned Sparrow
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of White-crowned Sparrow, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
White-crowned Sparrow
First: February 7, 2021
White-crowned Sparrow
Last/Best: September 4, 2021
41 Canada Goose
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Canada Goose, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Canada Goose
First: February 7, 2021
★★★★☆ (favorite)
Canada Goose
Last/Best: September 4, 2021
★★★★☆ (favorite)
42 Yellow-rumped Warbler
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Yellow-rumped Warbler, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Yellow-rumped Warbler
First: February 7, 2021
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Last/Best: April 16, 2021
Yellow-rumped Warbler (Audubon's)
First: April 16, 2021
Yellow-rumped Warbler (Audubon's)
Last/Best: April 16, 2021
Yellow-rumped Warbler (Audubon's) (female)
First/Last/Best: April 16, 2021
Yellow-rumped Warbler (Audubon's) (male)
First/Last/Best: April 16, 2021
Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle)
First: February 7, 2021
Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle)
Last/Best: February 7, 2021
Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle) (female)
First: February 7, 2021
Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle) (female)
Last/Best: February 7, 2021
Yellow-rumped Warbler (female)
First: February 7, 2021
Yellow-rumped Warbler (female)
Last/Best: April 16, 2021
Yellow-rumped Warbler (male)
First/Last/Best: April 16, 2021
43 Spotted Towhee
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Spotted Towhee, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Spotted Towhee
First: February 7, 2021
Spotted Towhee
Last/Best: May 18, 2021
★★★★★ (favorite)
Spotted Towhee (male)
First: May 18, 2021
Spotted Towhee (male)
Last/Best: May 18, 2021
★★★★★ (favorite)
44 Bufflehead
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Bufflehead, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
First/Last/Best: February 7, 2021
Bufflehead (male)
First/Last/Best: February 7, 2021
45 Anna's Hummingbird
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Anna's Hummingbird, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Anna's Hummingbird
First: February 7, 2021
Anna's Hummingbird
Last/Best: December 27, 2021
★★★★★ (favorite)
Anna's Hummingbird (female)
First: February 20, 2021
Anna's Hummingbird (female)
Last/Best: December 18, 2021
★★★★★ (favorite)
Anna's Hummingbird (male)
First: February 7, 2021
Anna's Hummingbird (male)
Last: December 18, 2021
Anna's Hummingbird (male)
Best: October 25, 2021
★★★★★ (favorite)
46 Pacific Wren
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Pacific Wren, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Pacific Wren
First/Best: February 8, 2021
Pacific Wren
Last: October 25, 2021
47 Common Merganser
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Common Merganser, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Common Merganser
First: February 14, 2021
Common Merganser
Last/Best: August 15, 2021
Common Merganser (female)
First: February 14, 2021
Common Merganser (female)
Last/Best: August 15, 2021
Common Merganser (male)
First/Last/Best: February 14, 2021
48 American Crow
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of American Crow, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
American Crow
First: February 18, 2021
American Crow
Last: September 2, 2021
American Crow
Best: August 21, 2021
★★★★★ (favorite)
49 House Sparrow
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of House Sparrow, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
House Sparrow
First: February 28, 2021
House Sparrow
Last/Best: September 2, 2021
House Sparrow (female)
First: February 28, 2021
House Sparrow (female)
Last/Best: February 28, 2021
House Sparrow (male)
First: February 28, 2021
House Sparrow (male)
Last/Best: September 2, 2021
50 Killdeer
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Killdeer, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
First: March 2, 2021
Last/Best: August 28, 2021
51 Pine Siskin
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Pine Siskin, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Pine Siskin
First: March 4, 2021
Pine Siskin
Last: July 4, 2021
Pine Siskin
Best: March 30, 2021
52 Red-breasted Sapsucker
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Red-breasted Sapsucker, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Red-breasted Sapsucker
First: March 13, 2021
Red-breasted Sapsucker
Last: June 18, 2021
★★★☆☆ (favorite)
Red-breasted Sapsucker
Best: May 2, 2021
★★★★★ (favorite)
53 Lesser Goldfinch
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Lesser Goldfinch, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Lesser Goldfinch
First: March 16, 2021
Lesser Goldfinch
Last/Best: August 15, 2021
Lesser Goldfinch (female)
First: May 10, 2021
Lesser Goldfinch (female)
Last/Best: May 10, 2021
Lesser Goldfinch (male)
First: March 16, 2021
Lesser Goldfinch (male)
Last/Best: August 1, 2021
54 Turkey Vulture
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Turkey Vulture, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Turkey Vulture
First: March 27, 2021
Turkey Vulture
Last/Best: August 15, 2021
55 Hutton's Vireo
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Hutton's Vireo, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Hutton's Vireo
First: March 27, 2021
Hutton's Vireo
Last/Best: March 27, 2021
56 Rufous Hummingbird
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Rufous Hummingbird, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Rufous Hummingbird
First: March 29, 2021
Rufous Hummingbird
Last: August 25, 2021
Rufous Hummingbird
Best: April 1, 2021
★★★★★ (favorite)
Rufous Hummingbird (female)
First: March 29, 2021
Rufous Hummingbird (female)
Last: August 25, 2021
Rufous Hummingbird (female)
Best: April 1, 2021
★★★★★ (favorite)
Rufous Hummingbird (male)
First/Last/Best: July 5, 2021
57 Golden-crowned Kinglet
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Golden-crowned Kinglet, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Golden-crowned Kinglet
First: March 30, 2021
Golden-crowned Kinglet
Last/Best: March 30, 2021
58 Bald Eagle
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Bald Eagle, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Bald Eagle
First: April 5, 2021
Bald Eagle
Last/Best: May 21, 2021
59 Dunlin
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Dunlin, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
First: April 5, 2021
Last/Best: April 5, 2021
60 American Wigeon
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of American Wigeon, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
American Wigeon
First/Best: April 11, 2021
American Wigeon
Last: April 11, 2021
American Wigeon (male)
First/Last/Best: April 11, 2021
61 Western Meadowlark
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Western Meadowlark, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Western Meadowlark
First: April 23, 2021
Western Meadowlark
Last/Best: April 23, 2021
62 Mourning Dove
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Mourning Dove, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Mourning Dove
First: April 23, 2021
Mourning Dove
Last: July 25, 2021
Mourning Dove
Best: May 29, 2021
63 Brewer's Blackbird
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Brewer's Blackbird, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Brewer's Blackbird
First: April 23, 2021
Brewer's Blackbird
Last/Best: July 7, 2021
Brewer's Blackbird (male)
First: April 23, 2021
Brewer's Blackbird (male)
Last/Best: July 7, 2021
64 Greater Yellowlegs
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Greater Yellowlegs, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Greater Yellowlegs
First: April 23, 2021
Greater Yellowlegs
Last/Best: September 26, 2021
65 Cinnamon Teal
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Cinnamon Teal, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Cinnamon Teal
First: April 23, 2021
Cinnamon Teal
Last/Best: May 21, 2021
Cinnamon Teal (female)
First/Best: April 23, 2021
Cinnamon Teal (female)
Last: April 23, 2021
Cinnamon Teal (male)
First: April 23, 2021
Cinnamon Teal (male)
Last/Best: May 21, 2021
66 Red Crossbill
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Red Crossbill, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Red Crossbill
First: April 25, 2021
Red Crossbill
Last/Best: May 23, 2021
★★★★★ (favorite)
Red Crossbill (female)
First: April 25, 2021
Red Crossbill (female)
Last/Best: May 23, 2021
Red Crossbill (male)
First: April 25, 2021
Red Crossbill (male)
Last/Best: May 23, 2021
★★★★★ (favorite)
67 Green Heron
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Green Heron, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Green Heron
First/Best: April 27, 2021
★★★★☆ (favorite)
Green Heron
Last: August 15, 2021
68 Osprey
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Osprey, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
First: April 27, 2021
Last: August 15, 2021
Best: August 8, 2021
★★★★☆ (favorite)
69 Violet-green Swallow
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Violet-green Swallow, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Violet-green Swallow
First: April 29, 2021
Violet-green Swallow
Last: August 20, 2021
Violet-green Swallow
Best: May 15, 2021
70 European Starling
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of European Starling, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
European Starling
First: May 2, 2021
European Starling
Last/Best: September 12, 2021
71 Western Tanager
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Western Tanager, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Western Tanager
First: May 3, 2021
Western Tanager
Last: May 3, 2021
Western Tanager
Best: May 3, 2021
★★★☆☆ (favorite)
Western Tanager (male)
First: May 3, 2021
Western Tanager (male)
Last: May 3, 2021
Western Tanager (male)
Best: May 3, 2021
★★★☆☆ (favorite)
72 Wood Duck
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Wood Duck, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Wood Duck
First: May 4, 2021
Wood Duck
Last: September 26, 2021
Wood Duck
Best: September 26, 2021
★★★★★ (favorite)
Wood Duck (female)
First: May 4, 2021
Wood Duck (female)
Last: August 18, 2021
Wood Duck (female)
Best: May 4, 2021
Wood Duck (male)
First: May 4, 2021
Wood Duck (male)
Last: September 26, 2021
Wood Duck (male)
Best: September 26, 2021
★★★★★ (favorite)
73 Hooded Merganser
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Hooded Merganser, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Hooded Merganser
First: May 4, 2021
Hooded Merganser
Last/Best: May 4, 2021
Hooded Merganser (male)
First: May 4, 2021
Hooded Merganser (male)
Last/Best: May 4, 2021
74 Bewick's Wren
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Bewick's Wren, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Bewick's Wren
First: May 4, 2021
Bewick's Wren
Last/Best: November 16, 2021
75 Black-headed Grosbeak
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Black-headed Grosbeak, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Black-headed Grosbeak
First: May 4, 2021
Black-headed Grosbeak
Last/Best: July 5, 2021
Black-headed Grosbeak (female)
First: May 10, 2021
Black-headed Grosbeak (female)
Last: May 10, 2021
Black-headed Grosbeak (female)
Best: May 10, 2021
Black-headed Grosbeak (male)
First: May 4, 2021
Black-headed Grosbeak (male)
Last/Best: July 5, 2021
76 Cliff Swallow
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Cliff Swallow, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Cliff Swallow
First: May 10, 2021
Cliff Swallow
Last/Best: June 7, 2021
77 Evening Grosbeak
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Evening Grosbeak, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Evening Grosbeak
First/Last/Best: May 10, 2021
Evening Grosbeak (male)
First/Last/Best: May 10, 2021
78 Cooper's Hawk
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Cooper's Hawk, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Cooper's Hawk
First/Best: May 10, 2021
★★★☆☆ (favorite)
Cooper's Hawk
Last: July 23, 2021
79 House Finch
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of House Finch, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
House Finch
First/Best: May 15, 2021
House Finch
Last: June 25, 2021
House Finch (female)
First/Last/Best: May 15, 2021
House Finch (male)
First/Best: May 15, 2021
House Finch (male)
Last: June 25, 2021
80 Rock Pigeon
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Rock Pigeon, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Rock Pigeon
First/Last/Best: May 15, 2021
Rock Pigeon (Feral Pigeon)
First/Last/Best: May 15, 2021
81 Barn Swallow
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Barn Swallow, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Barn Swallow
First/Last/Best: May 15, 2021
82 American White Pelican
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of American White Pelican, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
American White Pelican
First: May 15, 2021
American White Pelican
Last: October 12, 2021
American White Pelican
Best: October 12, 2021
★★★★★ (favorite)
83 Acorn Woodpecker
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Acorn Woodpecker, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Acorn Woodpecker
First: May 18, 2021
Acorn Woodpecker
Last/Best: September 12, 2021
Acorn Woodpecker (female)
First: September 12, 2021
Acorn Woodpecker (female)
Last/Best: September 12, 2021
Acorn Woodpecker (male)
First: September 12, 2021
Acorn Woodpecker (male)
Last/Best: September 12, 2021
84 California Quail
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of California Quail, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
California Quail
First: May 18, 2021
★★★☆☆ (favorite)
California Quail
Last: July 6, 2021
California Quail
Best: July 6, 2021
★★★★☆ (favorite)
California Quail (female)
First/Last/Best: May 18, 2021
California Quail (male)
First: May 18, 2021
★★★☆☆ (favorite)
California Quail (male)
Last: July 6, 2021
California Quail (male)
Best: July 6, 2021
★★★★☆ (favorite)
85 Swainson's Thrush
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Swainson's Thrush, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Swainson's Thrush
First: May 18, 2021
Swainson's Thrush
Last/Best: May 18, 2021
Swainson's Thrush (Russet-backed)
First: May 18, 2021
Swainson's Thrush (Russet-backed)
Last/Best: May 18, 2021
86 White-faced Ibis
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of White-faced Ibis, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
White-faced Ibis
First: May 21, 2021
White-faced Ibis
Last/Best: May 21, 2021
87 Purple Martin
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Purple Martin, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Purple Martin
First: May 21, 2021
Purple Martin
Last/Best: May 21, 2021
Purple Martin (female)
First: May 21, 2021
Purple Martin (female)
Last/Best: May 21, 2021
Purple Martin (male)
First/Last/Best: May 21, 2021
88 Cedar Waxwing
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Cedar Waxwing, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Cedar Waxwing
First: May 21, 2021
★★★☆☆ (favorite)
Cedar Waxwing
Last/Best: August 15, 2021
★★★★★ (favorite)
89 Common Yellowthroat
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Common Yellowthroat, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Common Yellowthroat
First: May 21, 2021
Common Yellowthroat
Last: July 25, 2021
Common Yellowthroat
Best: May 29, 2021
Common Yellowthroat (female)
First: May 29, 2021
Common Yellowthroat (female)
Last/Best: July 25, 2021
Common Yellowthroat (male)
First: May 21, 2021
Common Yellowthroat (male)
Last/Best: May 29, 2021
90 Blue-winged Teal
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Blue-winged Teal, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Blue-winged Teal
First: May 21, 2021
Blue-winged Teal
Last/Best: May 29, 2021
Blue-winged Teal (female)
First: May 21, 2021
Blue-winged Teal (female)
Last/Best: May 29, 2021
Blue-winged Teal (male)
First: May 21, 2021
Blue-winged Teal (male)
Last/Best: May 21, 2021
91 Tree Swallow
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Tree Swallow, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Tree Swallow
First/Best: May 21, 2021
★★★★★ (favorite)
Tree Swallow
Last: May 21, 2021
92 Lazuli Bunting
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Lazuli Bunting, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Lazuli Bunting
First: May 23, 2021
Lazuli Bunting
Last/Best: May 23, 2021
Lazuli Bunting (male)
First: May 23, 2021
Lazuli Bunting (male)
Last/Best: May 23, 2021
93 Brown-headed Cowbird
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Brown-headed Cowbird, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Brown-headed Cowbird
First: May 29, 2021
Brown-headed Cowbird
Last/Best: July 17, 2021
Brown-headed Cowbird (female)
First: July 5, 2021
Brown-headed Cowbird (female)
Last/Best: July 17, 2021
Brown-headed Cowbird (male)
First/Last/Best: May 29, 2021
94 American Bittern
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of American Bittern, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
American Bittern
First/Last/Best: May 29, 2021
95 Black Tern
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Black Tern, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Black Tern
First/Last/Best: May 29, 2021
96 Wild Turkey
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Wild Turkey, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Wild Turkey
First: June 20, 2021
Wild Turkey
Last/Best: August 25, 2021
97 Northern Pygmy-Owl
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Northern Pygmy-Owl, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Northern Pygmy-Owl
First: June 20, 2021
Northern Pygmy-Owl
Last/Best: June 20, 2021
98 Mountain Chickadee
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Mountain Chickadee, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Mountain Chickadee
First: July 4, 2021
Mountain Chickadee
Last/Best: July 5, 2021
99 Yellow Warbler
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Yellow Warbler, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Yellow Warbler
First: July 5, 2021
Yellow Warbler
Last/Best: July 5, 2021
Yellow Warbler (male)
First: July 5, 2021
Yellow Warbler (male)
Last/Best: July 5, 2021
100 Western Bluebird
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Western Bluebird, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Western Bluebird
First: July 6, 2021
Western Bluebird
Last/Best: July 6, 2021
Western Bluebird (male)
First/Last/Best: July 6, 2021
101 Pygmy Nuthatch
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Pygmy Nuthatch, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Pygmy Nuthatch
First/Last/Best: July 6, 2021
102 Hairy Woodpecker
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Hairy Woodpecker, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Hairy Woodpecker
First: July 7, 2021
Hairy Woodpecker
Last/Best: October 19, 2021
Hairy Woodpecker (male)
First: July 7, 2021
Hairy Woodpecker (male)
Last/Best: October 19, 2021
103 Savannah Sparrow
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Savannah Sparrow, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Savannah Sparrow
First: July 25, 2021
Savannah Sparrow
Last/Best: October 12, 2021
104 Long-billed Dowitcher
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Long-billed Dowitcher, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Long-billed Dowitcher
First: August 15, 2021
Long-billed Dowitcher
Last/Best: August 15, 2021
105 Belted Kingfisher
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Belted Kingfisher, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Belted Kingfisher
First: August 15, 2021
Belted Kingfisher
Last/Best: September 26, 2021
Belted Kingfisher (female)
First/Last/Best: August 15, 2021
Belted Kingfisher (male)
First: September 26, 2021
Belted Kingfisher (male)
Last/Best: September 26, 2021
106 Western Wood-Pewee
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Western Wood-Pewee, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Western Wood-Pewee
First/Last/Best: August 15, 2021
107 Spotted Sandpiper
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Spotted Sandpiper, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Spotted Sandpiper
First: August 20, 2021
Spotted Sandpiper
Last/Best: August 20, 2021
108 Least Sandpiper
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Least Sandpiper, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Least Sandpiper
First/Last/Best: August 20, 2021
109 Western Grebe
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Western Grebe, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Western Grebe
First: August 20, 2021
Western Grebe
Last/Best: August 20, 2021
110 Wilson's Warbler
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Wilson's Warbler, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Wilson's Warbler
First/Last/Best: August 20, 2021
111 Clark's Grebe
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Clark's Grebe, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Clark's Grebe
First: August 20, 2021
Clark's Grebe
Last/Best: September 12, 2021
112 Red-necked Grebe
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Red-necked Grebe, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Red-necked Grebe
First: September 2, 2021
Red-necked Grebe
Last/Best: September 2, 2021
113 Surf Scoter
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Surf Scoter, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Surf Scoter
First: September 2, 2021
Surf Scoter
Last/Best: September 2, 2021
Surf Scoter (male)
First: September 2, 2021
Surf Scoter (male)
Last/Best: September 2, 2021
114 White-winged Scoter
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of White-winged Scoter, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
White-winged Scoter
First/Last/Best: September 2, 2021
White-winged Scoter (male)
First/Last/Best: September 2, 2021
115 Red-throated Loon
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Red-throated Loon, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Red-throated Loon
First: September 2, 2021
Red-throated Loon
Last: September 4, 2021
Red-throated Loon
Best: September 3, 2021
116 Brandt's Cormorant
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Brandt's Cormorant, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Brandt's Cormorant
First: September 3, 2021
Brandt's Cormorant
Last/Best: September 5, 2021
117 Pelagic Cormorant
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Pelagic Cormorant, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Pelagic Cormorant
First: September 3, 2021
Pelagic Cormorant
Last/Best: September 4, 2021
118 Black Oystercatcher
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Black Oystercatcher, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Black Oystercatcher
First/Last/Best: September 3, 2021
119 Western Gull
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Western Gull, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Western Gull
First: September 3, 2021
★★★★★ (favorite)
Western Gull
Last: September 3, 2021
Western Gull
Best: September 3, 2021
★★★★★ (favorite)
120 Brown Pelican
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Brown Pelican, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Brown Pelican
First: September 3, 2021
Brown Pelican
Last/Best: September 4, 2021
121 Common Murre
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Common Murre, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Common Murre
First: September 3, 2021
Common Murre
Last/Best: September 5, 2021
122 Glaucous-winged Gull
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Glaucous-winged Gull, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Glaucous-winged Gull
First: September 3, 2021
Glaucous-winged Gull
Last/Best: September 5, 2021
123 American Goldfinch
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of American Goldfinch, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
American Goldfinch
First: September 4, 2021
American Goldfinch
Last/Best: September 4, 2021
American Goldfinch (female)
First: September 4, 2021
American Goldfinch (female)
Last/Best: September 4, 2021
American Goldfinch (male)
First: September 4, 2021
American Goldfinch (male)
Last/Best: September 4, 2021
124 Caspian Tern
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Caspian Tern, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Caspian Tern
First/Best: September 12, 2021
★★★☆☆ (favorite)
Caspian Tern
Last: September 12, 2021
125 Wilson's Snipe
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Wilson's Snipe, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Wilson's Snipe
First: September 26, 2021
Wilson's Snipe
Last/Best: September 26, 2021
126 Red-tailed Hawk
(Click above image to re-collapse.)
Below you'll first see my overall first, last, and best images of Red-tailed Hawk, then the first, last, and best images for each subspecies and sex photographed, if any.
Red-tailed Hawk
First: November 16, 2021
Red-tailed Hawk
Last: December 25, 2021
Red-tailed Hawk
Best: December 25, 2021
★★★☆☆ (favorite)
This page was last updated on February 28, 2025
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