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Shoot 2023-02-21-094005

This gallery is photos taken from the yard here at the house, except for the Yellow-rumped Warbler shot, which was taken on a birding outing.

We had a brief period with accumulated snow in the yard, so I got the chance to take some photos of an Anna's Hummingbird and some Juncos in the snow.

For the M31 Andromeda photo, also taken in the back yard, I stacked 176 untracked exposures of 0.8s each, for a total of 2 1/3 minutes of acquision time. This was more of a practice run for taking and processing more exposures, including calibration frames. Andromeda is too low in the sky this time of year for shooting in light-polluted suburbia, but it was good practice. I may make a separate blog post with more details.

These photos are © 2023 Phil Thompson, all rights reserved.

My "birds in review" collages can be found here.


📄 hashes-2023-02-21-094005.txt

📄 hashes-2023-02-21-094005.txt.sig

The above hashes-<date>.txt file contains SHA-256 hashes of all the photos from this shoot. The hashes-<date>.txt.sig is a signature of that hashes file, created with my PGP key. The signature file itself was written to both the Bitcoin Cash and Algorand blockchains, in the OP RETURN and Note fields respectively, using the transactions below. In short, this proves that these photos and the signature both existed at the time the transactions were written to the Bitcoin Cash and Algorand blockchains. This blog post has more details.

140 seconds of M31 Andromeda Galaxy, shot untracked.

Dark-eyed Junco (Oregon)

Anna's Hummingbird

Anna's Hummingbird

Anna's Hummingbird

Dark-eyed Junco (Oregon)

Dark-eyed Junco (Oregon)

Dark-eyed Junco (Oregon)

Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle)

Varied Thrush

Varied Thrush

Varied Thrush

Lesser Goldfinch

Varied Thrush

Cooper's Hawk

Cooper's Hawk

Cooper's Hawk

Cooper's Hawk

Cooper's Hawk

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