It was another hot sunny morning. I went to the local wetland, where I had't been for a while, to look for Yellow-breasted Chat. I didn't find any. I suspect it'll take a number of outings with concentrated effort to find one. They're apparently easiest to find this time of year, so I may have to wait until next year if I can't find one soon.
What I did find, or hear rather, was some Sora. I'm counting it as a new lifer, even though I didn't see one. This (like the Virginia Rail we have here) might be much harder to actually see than a Yellow-breasted Chat. But I did hear at least three distinct individuals calling to each other, and I managed to get a usuable audio recording of them. I'm not sure how to best go about photographing rails... more research is needed. But it was fun to stand and listen to three separate species calling from the reeds, none of which were visible! There were at least three each of Sora, Virgina Rail, and American Bittern all calling out sporadically.
At one point, there was also an interesting area of gravel path about a hundred yards ahead of me. A few Purple Martins kept flying in circles around the area and landing there. Maybe there were a lot of ants or someone had dropped bird seed or something. I took some photos of the flying Purple Martins when they were reasonably close and with the light hitting them from a good angle. The sunlight was so harsh the photos didn't work that well, but I got a couple shots that I'm happy with.
These photos are © 2023 Phil Thompson, all rights reserved.
My "birds in review" collages can be found here.
📄 hashes-2023-05-17-200922.txt
📄 hashes-2023-05-17-200922.txt.sig
The above hashes-<date>.txt
file contains SHA-256 hashes of all the photos
from this shoot. The hashes-<date>.txt.sig
is a signature of that hashes
file, created with my PGP key. The signature file
itself was written to both the Bitcoin Cash and Algorand blockchains, in the
and Note
fields respectively, using the transactions below.
In short, this proves that these photos and the signature both existed at the time the
transactions were written to the Bitcoin Cash and Algorand blockchains.
This blog post has more details.
view the BCH tx on 8b76336d5e6b5548ee4d4bef56d0cd10f2afbae79a1c6a92cf9c0643cd10ff1b
9:53AM Wednesday May 17, 2023
Red-shouldered HawkI believe this is a young Red-shouldered Hawk. At one point I caught sight of a large hawk landing in a tree, flushing out some ducks and other small birds. It sat in the tree for a while but I couldn't tell what it was. As I walked around the area, looking at other birds, I lost sight of it. When I returned to the area again maybe 20 or 30 minutes later, I didn't see the hawk up in the tree anymore. As I approached the hawk suddenly launched out from the tall grass and flew away. It had been eating a pretty good size black-colored snake. I was able to locate the hawk again in a tree to get this shot. I suppose it was waiting for me to leave so it could fly back to finish its meal.
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