I went out looking for a rare Summer Tanager (a day after it'd been sighted) and came up empty-handed. I really didn't expect to see it.
I then went out to the wetlands with a couple targets in mind, including a couple rare sparrows, phalaropes, and Virginia Rail. I've done a little research on spotting Virginia Rail, and this seemed like a good time of year to try to see one. The wetland is drying up at this point in the summer so I thought they might have to venture out of the cover of the reeds to feed. And there could be some young less-secretive rails running around.
On this outing I caught my first-ever glimpse of a Virginia Rail when one flew from one area of reeds to another. I only saw it for about a second but it was entirely dark — a juvenile. A little while later, while standing still near an isolated patch of water, I saw another couple of rails. I had to photograph them through some grasses and reeds, using manual focusing, but I managed to get a few photos! Finally!
These photos are © 2023 Phil Thompson, all rights reserved.
My "birds in review" collages can be found here.
📄 hashes-2023-07-14-071928.txt
📄 hashes-2023-07-14-071928.txt.sig
The above hashes-<date>.txt
file contains SHA-256 hashes of all the photos
from this shoot. The hashes-<date>.txt.sig
is a signature of that hashes
file, created with my PGP key. The signature file
itself was written to both the Bitcoin Cash and Algorand blockchains, in the
and Note
fields respectively, using the transactions below.
In short, this proves that these photos and the signature both existed at the time the
transactions were written to the Bitcoin Cash and Algorand blockchains.
This blog post has more details.
view the BCH tx on blockchair.com: f243e85690df7a78e6664fd2763ffdeee609dd07be38018fd06e8c16faa40731
view the ALGO tx on explorer.perawallet.app: C3W64E6M6TGVLL76QWKMJ2SFNJ3YY4ZPDWRT6MNWWEEY63QRPDFA
9:49AM Tuesday July 11, 2023
American CrowThis crow appeared to be carrying something. Upon reviewing the photos on the computer at home... it turned out to be a frog!
9:53AM Tuesday July 11, 2023
Western SandpiperThere was one group of ~70 sandpipers flying around in a tight group. I believe the legs look too black to be Least Sandpiper, so I am ID'ing them as Western Sandpiper.
9:53AM Tuesday July 11, 2023
Western SandpiperThere was one group of sandpipers flying around in a tight group. I believe the legs look too black to be Least Sandpiper, so I am ID'ing them as Western Sandpiper.
9:53AM Tuesday July 11, 2023
Western SandpiperThere was one group of sandpipers flying around in a tight group. I believe the legs look too black to be Least Sandpiper, so I am ID'ing them as Western Sandpiper.
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