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Shoot 2024-02-29-190621

I went out in search of a female Barrow's Goldeneye, to add that species to my county list. I think I found it. A few days later I made another trip out to look for a Horned Grebe, but wasn't able to find one. I did see another possible Barrow's Goldeneye, but I can't ID it either way.

Edit: a few folks on the Internet did confirm the flying male Goldeneye was indeed a Barrow's Goldeneye!

These photos are © 2024 Phil Thompson, all rights reserved.

My "birds in review" collages can be found here.


📄 hashes-2024-02-29-190621.txt

📄 hashes-2024-02-29-190621.txt.sig

The above hashes-<date>.txt file contains SHA-256 hashes of all the photos from this shoot. The hashes-<date>.txt.sig is a signature of that hashes file, created with my PGP key. The signature file itself was written to both the Bitcoin Cash and Algorand blockchains, in the OP RETURN and Note fields respectively, using the transactions below. In short, this proves that these photos and the signature both existed at the time the transactions were written to the Bitcoin Cash and Algorand blockchains. This blog post has more details.

Barrow's Goldeneye

Barrow's Goldeneye

Barrow's Goldeneye

Barrow's Goldeneye

Barrow's Goldeneye

Barrow's Goldeneye

Barrow's Goldeneye

Barrow's Goldeneye

Barrow's Goldeneye

Barrow's Goldeneye

Barrow's Goldeneye

These next few shots are of the Barrow's Goldeneye... I had hoped the black bar across the white area on the wing was a distinguishing feature (to tell it apart from a Common Goldeneye), and it appears to be! Very cool. Barrow's Goldeneyes are less common at this location so I didn't expect to see one, and I didn't even consider taking more photos. I guess I need to get better at checking the potential species list for a location before I actually go there!

Barrow's Goldeneye

Barrow's Goldeneye

Barrow's Goldeneye

Common Goldeneye

Double-crested Cormorant

Double-crested Cormorant

Common Goldeneye

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