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Shoot 2024-06-17-155936

I went out to try to find the Indigo Bunting that has been reported a few times lately. I previously went out a few weeks ago but couldn't find it. This time however I heard it singing in the expected area and I was able to scan around and find it with my binoculars. It was pretty far away but identifiable. I watched it for a few minutes and got some souvenir photos.

Later on during the walk I was so distracted trying to photograph a couple Yellow-breasted Chats that I completely missed a much more rare nearby Ash-throated Flycatcher that my Merlin app recorded. Oh well, I guess I can't pay attention to everything all at once.

This was a great short birding outing and I got a whole rainbow of birds besides the Indigo Bunting and Yellow-breasted Chat: Western Kingbird, Lazuli Bunting, Bullock's Oriole, Steller's Jay, Western Tanager, and others.

These photos are © 2024 Phil Thompson, all rights reserved.

My "birds in review" collages can be found here.


📄 hashes-2024-06-17-155936.txt

📄 hashes-2024-06-17-155936.txt.sig

The above hashes-<date>.txt file contains SHA-256 hashes of all the photos from this shoot. The hashes-<date>.txt.sig is a signature of that hashes file, created with my PGP key. The signature file itself was written to both the Bitcoin Cash and Algorand blockchains, in the OP RETURN and Note fields respectively, using the transactions below. In short, this proves that these photos and the signature both existed at the time the transactions were written to the Bitcoin Cash and Algorand blockchains. This blog post has more details.

Indigo Bunting

Indigo Bunting

Indigo Bunting

Indigo Bunting

Western Kingbird

Western Kingbird

Western Kingbird

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